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My life as an Ecogenia cohort member

   During my time in Chania, I have felt emotionally moved quite often. It was the people I worked with, the children I played with, the beautiful places I was surrounded by, and the scope of the project that brought

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Cohort Reflection from their Global Day of Action Volunteer Day

3 μέλη της Ecogenia διοργάνωσαν μία ημέρα εθελοντισμού, ευθυγραμμισμένοι με την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Δράσης μετά το COP27 στην Αίγυπτο. Συνολικά, συμμετείχαν 50 εθελοντές που αναζωογόνησαν το 2ο Γυμνάσιο Χανίων, έναν από τους κύριους συνεργάτες του Εκπαιδευτικού Προγράμματος στην περιοχή. Παρακάτω

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More than just a Pilot Program

One of the simplest decisions I’ve ever made was to say yes to Ecogenia. I discovered an organization that shares my values for the first time in my professional career. Clarity, chance, and honesty are what I see in the

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The Trail to Community

Two years, that’s how long it took our team to implement our first pilot program. Almost two years of volunteer work before being able to be hired, and endless planning and preparation work for what ended up being two months

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A Royal Lunch

Like most people, I have a bucket list. It includes the usual things – places I would like to visit, experiences I would like to have, food I would like to try, etc. I never thought to include something quite

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Reflections from Marseille

The Mediterranean region has always been a place of movement – of goods, people, ideas, cultures. It is a basin rich in diversity and potential, and remains a central crossroad between Europe, Africa, and Asia. The city of Marseille, known

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Our progress, upcoming events and any exciting news about our organisation.

Meet our 1st Cohort Members!


Lots of lessons learned and a new horizon!


Meet our 1st Cohort Members!


Our First Newsletter!


From California to Mount Olympus and Greece's seas

Ελληνίδες της διασποράς εμπνέουν ενεργούς πολίτες για το κλίμα

Listen to our podcast in Kathimerini and The Greek Current

Listen to our podcast with Connecting Greeks.